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I currently hold a research position at Mines ParisTech/CRI, working on HPC topics and automatic code transformations. My background is a combination of mathematics and computer science. From my PhD and during my different positions afterwards, I have been involved in cutting edge researches related to high performance computing and operation research, following the sequence model, method, implementation. I am still interested in fundamental questions about difficult genuine problems, while striving to understand how the advances in optimization, algorithmic, programming, and supercomputers can be efficiently combined to provide the best answer. Harvesting the maximum from the HPC state-of-the-art is indeed my main concern (my HDR thesis - HPC together).

My STIC-AmSud collaboration with Sud America  -  WAMCA 2024 conference  -  My interview at PUCP (Peru)

I am member of the editorial board of the rank A journal Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS).
Top500 supercompter sites
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
The Supercomputing Technologies Group/MIT
IEEE ParaScope ( list of URLs in parallel  computing)
HPC-Europa / IBM BlueGene / NASA Supercomp Div
LAM-MPI / PVM / OpenMP / Condor / Globus / HPF
Using CPLEX in MATLAB / HTML Formula Editor
Automatic generation of C/C++/Fortran Mex
SciPy ( open source library of scientific tools )
NetLib (collection of mathematical materials )
Harwell-Boeing Collection
Matlab / Scilab / Femlab / Maple / Mathematica
BLAS and SCALAPCK documentation POLYLIB documentation
MATLAB MEX-FILE generator (online!) - MATLAB CODER POSIX multi-threading (online!)
OTHER INTERESTING TOOLS AND SYSTEMS (also part of my achievments)
A convex optimization framework A universal source code documentation tool
An online math framework (very useful for students) A beb-based math education framework
Online code formatting LQCD on the CELL