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Automatic Online POSIX Thread (C/C++)
Computer scientist
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C Mex-Files should be compiled with the command
mex -I/cplex_include_fullpath -L/cplex_library_fullpath -lcplex file.c
Original file for Solving a standard linear programming problem |
General Linear Programming |
[obj, x, lambda, status, colstat, it] = lp_cplex(c, A, b, l, u, le, ge, maxIter, optimizer) min c' * x with linear constraints optimizer
is a variable for optimizer choice, which can be one of the following Download Matlab file Associated mex file Associated mex file (current version of cplex) |
Quadratic Programming |
[obj, x, lambda, status, colstat, it] = qp_cplex(q, c, A, b, l, u, le, ge, maxIter) min 1/2 * x' * Q * x + c' * x with linear contraints Download Matlab file Associated mex file Associated mex file (current version of cplex) |
Mixed Integer Programming |
[obj, x, lambda, status, colstat, it] = mip_cplex(q, c, A, b, l, u, le, ge, binvar, genvar, maxIter, verbose) min c' * x with linear contraints and integer variables ( binary or general ) Indices of binary variables are listed in binvar, and indices of general integer variables are listed in genvar Download Matlab file Associated mex file Associated mex file (current version of cplex) |
a tool to automatically generates your mex-files from standard C/Fortran codes
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