SELECT  C   FORTRAN 77   FORTRAN 90  automatic detection
Copy and paste your code within the text area above, then select the corresponding programming language, and next click one "GENERATE" to get the result the mex routine you need. It is not necessary to paste the whole routine as only the header is important. However, in order to differentiate between input variables and output variables (in FORTRAN for example), the whole code will be parsed, so your better provide it (don't worry about its content, as everything is done on the fly and I don't save or gather anything!). Do not hesitate to contact me for any question or remark. Your are invited to submit any comment here.
Remark: The code you insert in the above text area should preferably start with the declaration of the routine. Any other directives, declarations or comments on top of that declaration should be removed in order to help the parser seeking the necessary part of the code. In the case of FORTRAN, it's better to have the text starting by SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION. For C code, it's better to have the text starting directly with the declaration of the function or routine (e.g. int myfunction(int a, float b))
See also Automatic Online POSIX Thread (C/C++)
  Automatic DataType Information Retrieval for MATLAB Coder
I recommend UNIVERSAL REPORT for your source code documentation
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