Centre de recherche en informatique
Mathématiques et systèmes
- A/677/CRI :
- Impulse-Response and CAD-Model-Based Physical Modeling in Faust
- IN: Conférence Linux Audio Conférence
18-21 mai 2017 - St-Etienne
p.151-153- HAL = hal-01710232
- Pierre-Amaury Grumiaux (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL), Romain Michon (CCRMA, Stanford University, USA), Emilio Gallego Arias (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL)
- A/676/CRI :
- Dual Query: Practical Private Query Release for High Dimensional Data
- IN: Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality
Vol. 7, Issue 2, Article N°4,- HAL = hal-01702734
- Marco Gaboardi (Univ. at Buffalo, SUNYFollow), Emilio Gallego Arias (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL), Justin Hsu (Univ. of Pennsylvania), Aaron Roth (Univ. of Pennsylvania), Zhiwei Steven Wu (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
- A/674/CRI :
- How Information Systems Enable Digital Transformation:
A Focus on Business Models and Value Co-Production- Published IN: The IUP Journal of Business Strategy
Vol. 14 Issue 3, pages 7-40, 34 pages- HAL = hal-01695504
- Septembre 2017
- Marie‐Hélène Delmond (HEC, Paris), Fabien Coelho (MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University), Alain Keravel (HEC, Paris), Robert Mahl (MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University)
- A/672/CRI :
- Oblivion Tracking: Towards a ProbabilisticWorking Memory Model for the Adaptation of Systems to Alzheimer Patients
- IN: The first International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personnalization (UMAP 2017)
9-12 juillet 2017 - Bratislava, Slovaquie
DOI = 10.1145/3099023.3099052- HAL = hal-01678895
- Bruno Massoni Sguerra ((MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), Samuel Benveniste (CEN STIMCO)
- A/671/CRI :
- Towards Compositional and Generative Tensor Optimizations
- IN: 16th International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE)
22-24 Octobre 2017 - Vancouver, Canada
DOI = 10.1145/3136040.3136050- HAL = hal-01666797
- Adilla Susungi (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), Norman A. Rink (TU Dresden), Jeronimo Castrillon (TU Dresden), Albert Cohen (INRIA, DI ENS), Claude Tadonki (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), Immo Huismann (TU Dresden), Jörg Stiller (TU Dresden), Jochen Fröhlich (TU Dresden)
- A/667/CRI :
- Towards a Unified Environmental Monitoring, Control and Data Management System for Irradiation Facilities: the CERN IRRAD Use Case
- IN: the RADECS 2017 conference, RADiation Effects on Components and Systems
2-6 octobre 2017 - Genève, Suisse- HAL = hal-01650131
- Blerina Gkotse (Doctorante MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), M. Glaser ( European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN EP-DT-DD, Geneva), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), E. Matli (European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN EP-DT-DD, Geneva), G. Pezzullo (European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN EP-DT-DD, Geneva), F. Ravotti (European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN EP-DT-DD, Geneva)
- A/666/CRI :
- Experimental Energy Profiling of Energy-Critical Embedded Applications
- IN: 25th international conference SoftCOM 2017
21-23 septembre 2017 - Radisson Blu Resort Split, Croatie
Pages: 1-6- HAL = hal-01622851
- Kameswar Rao Vaddina (LTCI - TELECOM ParisTech), Florian Brandner (LTCI - TELECOM ParisTech), Gerard Memmi (LTCI - TELECOM ParisTech), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL)
- A/665/CRI :
- Modeling the energy consumption of programs: thermal aspects and Energy/Frequency Convexity Rule
- IN: The Ninth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2017)
11-13 octobre 2017 - Nanjing, Chine
Pages: 1-10- HAL = hal-01622851
- Karel De Vogeleer (Hypervirtu, Brussels, Belgium), Kameswar Rao Vaddina (LTCI - TELECOM ParisTech), Florian Brandner (LTCI - TELECOM ParisTech), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), Gerard Memmi (LTCI - TELECOM ParisTech)
- A/661/CRI :
- Scalable NUMA-Aware Wilson-Dirac on Supercomputers
- IN: The 2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2017)
17-21 juillet 2017 - Genoa, Italie
Pages: 315-324- HAL = hal-01529268
- Claude Tadonki (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL)
- A/660/CRI :
- Dohko: an autonomic system for provision, configuration, and management of inter-cloud environments based on a software product line engineering method
- IN: Cluster Computing Special, pp 1–26
DOI = 10.1007/s10586-017-0897-1- HAL = hal-01528764
- Alessandro Ferreira Leite (University of Brasilia), Vander Alves (University of Brasilia), Genaina Nunes Rodrigues (University of Brasilia), Claude Tadonki (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL), Christine Eisenbeis (INRIA Saclay), Alba Cristina Magalhaes Alves de Melo (University of Brasilia)
- A/657/CRI :
- jsCoq: Towards Hybrid Theorem Proving Interfaces
- IN: the 12th Workshop on User Interfaces for Theorem Provers (UITP 2016)
2nd July 2016 - Coimbra, Portugal
Published in : EPTCS (Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science) 239, 2017, pp. 15-27
DOI = http://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.239.2
ARXIV = https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.07125- HAL = hal-01425752, v2
- Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias (MINES ParisTech PSL, CRI), Benoît Pin (MINES ParisTech PSL, CRI), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech PSL, CRI) ;;
Articles soumis :
- A/649/CRI :
- More Data Locality for Static Control Programs on NUMA Architectures
- IN: 7th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques (IMPACT 2017)
23-25 Janvier 2017 - Stockholm, Sweden- HAL = hal-01529354
- Adilla Susungi (CRI, MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University), Albert Cohen (INRIA and DI, École Normale Supérieure), Claude Tadonki (CRI, MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University)
Autres articles et rapports techniques :
- A/675/CRI :
- Bringing Theorem Proving to the (Sonic) Masses
- Published in : Book Chapter in "Innovative Tools and Methods to Teach Music and Signal Processing"
Presse de Mines, 2017- HAL = hal-01691614
- Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias (MINES ParisTech PSL, CRI), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech PSL, CRI), Benoît Pin (MINES ParisTech PSL, CRI)
- A/673/CRI :
- Performance comparison between Hadoop and Spark frameworks using HiBench benchmarks
- IN : Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE)
Spécial Issue paper
Nov 2017
DOI = 10.1002/cpe.4367- HAL = hal-01678981
- Yassir Samadi (ENSIAS - École nationale supérieure d'informatique et d'analyse des systèmes, Univ. Mohammed V Rabat), Mostapha Zbakh (ENSIAS - École nationale supérieure d'informatique et d'analyse des systèmes, Univ. Mohammed V Rabat), Claude Tadonki (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL)
- A/669/CRI :
- Itsuku: a Memory-Hardened Proof-of-Work Scheme
- Rapport technique
- HAL = hal-01653168
- 29 novembre 2017
- Fabien Coelho (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL), Arnaud Larroche (MINES ParisTech - PSL), Baptiste Colin (MINES ParisTech - PSL)
- A/668/CRI :
- Consistency-Latency Trade-off of the LibRe
Protocol: A Detailed Study.- IN: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management (Springer)
Volume 7, pp 83-108
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65406-5
(Non publiable avant 2018)- HAL =
- Sathiya Prabhu Kumar (ISEP), Sylvain Lefebvre (ISEP), Raja Chiky (ISEP), Olivier Hermant ((MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL)
- A/663/CRI :
- Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of the Energy/Frequency Convexity Rule
for Nanometer-scale Application Processors- IN: Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Elsevier
Volume 15, September 2017, Pages 16–27
DOI = https://doi.org/10.1016/j.suscom.2017.05.001
(Submitted on 31 Aug 2015)- HAL = hal-01531295
- Karel De Vogeleer (Université Paris Saclay, Telecom ParisTech, LTCI), Gerard Memmi (Université Paris Saclay, Telecom ParisTech, LTCI), Pierre Jouvelot ((MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL)
Rapports internes :
- A/662/CRI :
- Complétude en Logiques
- Habilitation a diriger les recherches (HDR)
Date de la soutenance : 20 Avril 2017
Lieu de la soutenance : MINES ParisTech, Paris
Jury de la soutenance : Gilles Dowek (Directeur de recherche), Mme Catherine Dubois (Professeur des universités), Alessio Guglielmi (Professeur),
Alexander Leitsch (Professeur), Pierre Jouvelot (Maître de recherche)- HAL = tel-01529422
- Olivier Hermant (MINES-ParisTech CRI, PSL Research University)
- E/436/CRI :
- SLIDES: Methodology for mapping image processing algorithms on massively parallel processors
An NVIDIA GPU specific approach- IN: 12ème Journées Compilation 2017
21-23 juin 2017
Saint Germain au Mont D'Or - France- HAL = hal-01830688
- 22 juin 2017
- Florian Gouin (MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, SAFRAN)
- E/433/CRI :
- Termination checking in the λΠ-calculus modulo theory. From a practical and a theoretical viewpoint (Vérification de la terminaison dans le λΠ-calcul modulo théorie. De la pratique à la théorie.)
- Mémoire de fin d'études (Université Paris Diderot, Paris 7)
Stage effectué du 24 avril au 4 août 2017- HAL = hal-01676409
- Guillaume Genestier (CRI, ENS Cachan, équipe DEDUCTEAM, LSV - Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification,
- E/431/CRI :
- POSTER : Towards Compositional and Generative Tensor Optimizations
- IN : ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH)
Date: 22-27 octobre 2017
Lieu: Vancouver, Canada- HAL = hal-01666818
- Adilla Susungi (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), Norman A. Rink (TU Dresden), Jeronimo Castrillon (TU Dresden), Albert Cohen (INRIA, DI ENS), Claude Tadonki (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), Immo Huismann (TU Dresden), Jörg Stiller (TU Dresden), Jochen Fröhlich (TU Dresden)
- E/430/CRI :
- SLIDES : Towards Compositional and Generative Tensor Optimizations
- IN: 16th International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE)
22-24 Octobre 2017 - Vancouver, Canada- Adilla Susungi (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), Norman A. Rink (TU Dresden), Jeronimo Castrillon (TU Dresden), Albert Cohen (INRIA, DI ENS), Claude Tadonki (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), Immo Huismann (TU Dresden), Jörg Stiller (TU Dresden), Jochen Fröhlich (TU Dresden)
- E/429/CRI :
- SLIDES: PgBench – Work in Progress
- IN: PostgreSQL Session #9
17 novembre 2017 - Paris- Fabien Coelho (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL)
- E/428/CRI :
- SLIDES: Measuring and Reducing Postgres Transaction Latency
- IN : pgDay Paris
23 mars 2017 - Paris- Fabien Coelho (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL)
- E/427/CRI :
- POSTER : Towards a Unified Environmental Monitoring, Control and Data Management System for Irradiation Facilities: the CERN IRRAD Use Case
- IN : 25th international conference SoftCOM 2017
Date : 21-23 septembre 2017
Lieu : Radisson Blu Resort Split, Croatie- HAL = hal-01622872
- Juillet 2017
- Blerina Gkotse, M. Glaser ( European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN EP-DT-DD, Geneva), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), E. Matli (European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN EP-DT-DD, Geneva), G. Pezzullo (European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN EP-DT-DD, Geneva), F. Ravotti (European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN EP-DT-DD, Geneva)
- E/426/CRI :
- SLIDES : Modeling the Energy Consumption of Programs: Thermal Aspects and Energy/Frequency Convexity Rule
- IN: The Ninth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2017)
Date : 11-13 octobre 2017
Lieu : Nanjing, Chine- 2017-10-11
- Karel De Vogeleer (Hypervirtu, Brussels, Belgium), Kameswar Rao Vaddina (LTCI - TELECOM ParisTech), Florian Brandner (LTCI - TELECOM ParisTech), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech CRI, PSL), Gerard Memmi (LTCI - TELECOM ParisTech)
- E/425/CRI :
- Code de Simulation de forage (GLCU) : Analyse, Profilage, Perspectives
- Rapport sur le projet Carnot MINES PACA
Stage encadré par Claude Tadonki (CRI) et Olivier Stab (GEOSCIENCES)- HAL = hal-01691629
- 2018/09/28
- Olfa Haggui, doctorante, Sousse National School of Engineering, Tunisie
- E/424/CRI :
- Harris Corner Detection on a NUMA Manycore
- Rapport de recherche
- HAL = hal-01689709
- 2017-09-24
- Claude Tadonki (Mines ParisTech CRI - PSL Research University), Olfa Haggui (Sousse National School of Engineering, Tunisie), Lionel Lacassagne (University Pierre and Marie Curie, LIP6, SoC department / ALSoC team)
- E/423/CRI :
- SLIDES : Scalability on Manycore Machines
Lieu: Mines ParisTech
Date: 11 mai 2017- Claude Tadonki (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL)
- E/420/CRI :
- Etude WCET de programmes Faust avec a3
- Rapport technique
- HAL = hal-01691614
- 29 avril 2017
- Benoit Pin (CRI, MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University) et Pierre Jouvelot (CRI, MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University)
- E/419/CRI :
- POSTER : Broadcast And Surveillance TechnologIes Over Networks - Armines DEMONSTRATOR
30-31 mai 2017 - Gilze, Pays-Bas
Projet Européen BASTION- HAL = hal-01531978
- Corinne Ancourt (Armines), François Irigoin (Armines), Claude Tadonki (Armines), Mark Verhoeven (Axon)
- E/418/CRI :
- POSTER : Impulse-Response and CAD-Model-Based Physical Modeling in Faust
- Congrès : Conférence Linux Audio Conférence
18-21 mai 2017 - St-Etienne- HAL = hal-01526607
- Pierre-Amaury Grumiaux (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL), Romain Michon (CCRMA, Stanford University, USA), Emilio Gallego Arias (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL) ;
- E/417/CRI :
- SLIDES : LOUISE : un agent conversationnel animé pour les personnes âgées atteintes de troubles cognitifs
- 3ème Colloque Annuel Technologies et Usages de Centich
(Centre d’Expertise National des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’autonomie - Université Catholique de l'Ouest)
9-10 mars 2017 - Angers- Pierre Wargnier (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL), Samuel Benveniste (MINES ParisTech, CEN Stimco),Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech CRI - PSL)et Anne-Sophie Rigaud (Univ. Paris Descartes, Hôpital Broca)
- E/415/CRI :
- Setting up an Operational Academic HPC Pole
- Rapport
- HAL = hal-01689697
- Claude Tadonki (Mines ParisTech CRI - PSL Research University)