First of all, thank you for the online mex file generator, it has proved really useful. My function is called millions of times during the simulation. If I could reduce it's time of processing, I would decrease significantly the time of processing for the whole algorithm.
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De JM, 26 february 2010 à 11:18 |
I've tried using your online mex file generator to generate a gateway for a simple fortran function that reorders the rows of a matrix given a vector "order". After adding my source code after the gateway, I get the following error:
In file reorder. F90:57
Error: Assumed size array at (1) must be a dummy argument
Any suggestions to fix this?
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De JK, 26 february 2010 à 11:20 |
Very interesting online tool. This really help to pass over a tedious step. Thanks.
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De Alan, 22 jully 2010 à 10:49 |
I want to use dop853. F for numerical integration instead of ode45 for speed and accuracy. How can I make mexfile to call dop853 as ode45.
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De min, 28 october 2011 à 10:36 |
That's the kind of tool I've been looking for - it's definitely gonna be of great help to me. Thank you very much for providing it.
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De AK, 29 october 2012 à 14:26 |
is there anything i want to insert apart from the code generated by this tool???do i want to make any changes to the matlab set up to compile the mex-file??
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De priya, 12 august 2013 à 13:42 |
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