1. Member of the scientific committee of FRACTALES'2000 (devoted to Fractal's theory and its applications), 11th & 12th November 2000, CONSTANTINE - ALGERIA.
  2. Invited speaker at ICPS, Starsbourg-France, July 2000.
  3. Invited speaker at the University of Geneva ( Computer Science Lab), Geneva-Switzerland,  August 2000.
  4. Invited speaker at the University of Geneva ( Optmization Lab), Geneva-Switzerland, October 2000.
  5. Invited speaker at the Twelfth International Colloqium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science with Applications, August 12-17, 2003, PLOVDIV - BULGARIA. Trends in Modern Computing.
  6. Talk given during the CRESCCO Metting, Santoini-Greece, June 2003.
  7. Talk given during  the CRESCCO Metting, Athens-Greece, December 2003.
  8. Talk at the University of BRISOL, february 2005.
  9. Talk at the Instituto Superior Técnico (Dept of Appplied Math) LISBON, november 2005.
  10. Talk at the INRIA-Saclay (Orsay/France), march 2009 (slides).
  11. Talk at the Auroa/PetaQCD/QPACE meeting, Rengensburg-Germany, april 2010 (ppt slides).
  12. Talk at the ANR meeting (Effective Wilson-Dirac inversion on the CELL processor), LAL / Paris-Sud University, May 10-11, 2010 (ppt slides).
  13. Lesson (The polyhedral model), Master II, LRI / Paris-Sud University, Dec, 2010/2011 (slides).
  14. Lesson (Loop transformation & parallalelization), Master II, LRI / Paris-Sud University, Dec, 2010/2011 (slides).
  15. Talk (High Performance Computing Chanllenges and Trends), University Mohammed I of Oujda / Morocco, October, 2011 (slides).
  16. Talk (An efficient CELL library for Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics), WAMCA (SPAC-PAD) / Vitoria (Brazil), October, 2011 (slides).
  17. Talk (Ring pipelined algorithm for the algebraic path problem on the CELL Broadband Engine), HEART / Tsukuba (Japan), June, 2010 (slides).
  18. Talk (Large Scale Kronecker Product on Supercomputers), WAMCA (SPAC-PAD) / Vitoria (Brazil), October, 2011 (slides).
  19. Talk (Automatic LQCD Code Generation), Quatrièmes rencontres de la communauté française de compilation / Saint-Hippolyte (France), December, 2011 (slides PPT - PDF).
  20. Lesson (Multi-core programming), 4th year grade at the French University of Egypt (Cairo/Egypt) & Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niteroi/Brazil) (slides).
  21. Talk (Accelerator-based Implementation of the Harris Algorithm), ICISP 2012, Agadir (Morroco), June 2012 (slides).
  22. Talk (Strengthening deflation implementation for large scale LQCD inversions), Review Meeting / PetaQCD LAL / Paris-Sud University (Orsay), September 27-28, 2012 (slides).
  23. Talk (High-Performance Computing as a Combination of Machines and Methods and Programming), Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niteroi/Brazil), July 31, 2013 (slides).
  24. Talk (Quantum Chronodynamics simulations and efficient evaluation of the Wilson-Dirac operator), Séminaire Maths& Systèmes (Mines ParisTech/Paris), November, 14, 2013. (slides (pptx)) (slides (pdf)).
  25. Talk (Dendrogram Based Algorithm for Weighted Graphs Flooding), Séminaire Centre de Morphologie Mathématique (Mines ParisTech/Fontainebleau), January, 27, 2014. (slides (pptx)) (slides (pdf)).
  26. Talk (Seamless parallelism in MATLAB), Parallel Distributed Computing (Innsbruck/Austria), February 2014 (slides).
  27. Talk (Vector Computing), Seminar at Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niteroi/Brazil), April 22-23, 2014.
  28. Talk (Dendrogram Based Algorithm for Dominated Graph Flooding), International Conference on Computational Science (Cairns/Australia), June 11, 2014 (slides).
  29. Talk (Inside the High Performance Computing Saga), Seminar at MINES ParisTech (Paris/France), June 26, 2014 (slides).
  30. Talk (Vector Computing), Seminar at Universidad of Santiago (Santiago/Chile), August 6, 2014 (slides).
  31. Talk (Dendrogram Based Algorithm for Dominated Graph Flooding), Seminar at Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon (Avignon/France), Feb 23, 2015 (slides).
  32. Talk (Multicore Computing), Seminar at Pontifica Universida Catolica del Peru - PUCP (Lima/Peru), April 22, 2015
  33. Talk (Overview of High Performance Computing), Seminar at Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería - UNI (Lima/Peru), April 26, 2015
  34. Talk (Vector Computing), Seminar at Pontifica Universida Catolica del Peru - PUCP (Lima/Peru), April 27, 2015
  35. Talk (High-Performance Computing: Sysnopsis of Technical and Programming Concepts), Séminar at Universidade Federal Fluminense and Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (Niteroi & Rio de Janeiro /Brazil), April, 27-28, 2016 (slides).
  36. Talk (Lattice Quantum ChromoDynamics Revisited on Multocore Vector Machines), Séminaire Centre de Rechreche en Informatique (Mines ParisTech/Fontainebleau), June, 6, 2016 (slides).
  37. Talk (High-Performance Computing Trends and Challenges), Keynote at INSISCOS Conference (UTE - Quito, Ecuador), November, 25, 2016 (slides).
  38. Talk (NUMA-Aware Quantum ChromoDynamics Supercomputing), Séminaire Centre de Rechreche en Informatique (Mines ParisTech/Fontainebleau), January, 9, 2017 (slides).
  39. Talk (Scalability on Manycore Machines), GDR-ISI Seminar at LIP6-UPMC (Paris/France), April, 25, 2017 (slides).
  40. Talk (Scalability on Manycore Machines), Seminar at Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niteroi/Brasil), April, 27, 2017 (slides).
  41. Talk (Harris Corner Detection on a NUMA Manycore), Séminaire Centre de Rechreche en Informatique (Mines ParisTech/Fontainebleau), April, 16, 2018 (slides).
  42. Talk (HPC Reality though Case Studies), Regional School of High Performance Computing (ERAD-RJ 2018)at Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro / Brasil), May, 09, 2018 (slides PDF - slides PPT).
  43. Talk (Scalability with Manycore Machines), keynote talk at the International Conference of Multimedia Information Processing (CITIM 2018) at the University Mustapha STAMBOULI (Mascara - ORAN / Algeria), October, 10, 2018.
  44. Talk (High-Performance Computing: Sysnopsis of Technical and Programming Concepts), Séminar at Universidade Federal Fluminense and Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (Niteroi / Brazil), November, 22, 2018.
  45. Talk (Mapping Stencil Computation on Last Generation Processors), Séminar at Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro /Brazil), November, 21, 2018.
  46. Talk (Focus on Parallel Combinatorial Optimization), Séminaire Centre de Rechreche en Informatique (Mines ParisTech/Fontainebleau), January, 21, 2019 (slides).
  47. Talk (Scalability with Manycore Machines), Seminar at Tecgraf/PUC-Rio Institute (Rio de Janeiro /Brazil), May, 10, 2019 (slides - linl).
  48. Talk (Dealing with Non Uniform Memory Access), Seminar at Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niteroi/Brasil), May, 15, 2019 (slides).
  49. Talk (Scalability with Manycore Machines), Séminaire Centre de Rechreche en Informatique (Sao Paulo/Brasil), May, 17, 2019 (slides).
  50. Talk (Cutting-edge Techniques for Performance and Scalability on Manycore Machines), Keynote at WAMCA2019/SBAC-PAD2019 (Campo Grande/Brasil), October, 15, 2019 (slides).
  51. Talk (Focus on Parallel Combinatorial Optimization), Keynote at WHPC-Cloud (Niteroi/Brasil), September, 1, 2020 (slides: PPT - PDF).
  52. Talk (High Performance Artificial Intelligence), Keynote at ERAD 2020 (UFSM-Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil), November, 30, 2020 (slides: PPT - PDF).
  53. Talk (Cutting-edge Techniques for Performance and Scalability on Manycore Machines), Talk at MINES Paris Physics & Image Workshop, June 18, 2021.
  54. Talk (Efficient Data Management on a Cloud with Geo-Distributed Data Centers), Keynote at WHPC_Cloud, September 16, 2021 (slides: PPT - PDF).
  55. Talk (What do HPC applications look like?), Seminar at Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niteroi/Brasil), April 17, 2023 (slides: PPT - PDF).
  56. Talk (Artificial Intelligence and HPC), Seminar at Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niteroi/Brasil), April 19, 2023 (slides: PPT - PDF).
  57. Talk (Artificial Intelligence and HPC), Seminar at Universidade de Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo/Brasil), July 10, 2023.
  58. Talk (What do HPC applications look like?), Seminar at Universidade de Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo/Brasil), July 12, 2023.
  59. Talk (High-Performance Artificial Intelligence), Seminar at Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro/Brasil), July 14, 2023.
  60. Talk (Artificial Intelligence and HPC), Keynote talk at ERAD-SP (Sao Jose dos Campos/Brasil), July 18, 2023.
  61. Talk (Scalability with manycore processors), Seminar at Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos (Sao Carlos/Brasil), July 20, 2023.
  62. Talk (Cutting-edge Techniques for Performance and Scalability on Manycore Machines), Seminar at the National University of Costa Rica, May, 5, 2024.
  63. Talk (Artificial Intelligence and HPC), Seminar at the National University of Costa Rica, May, 8, 2024.