Olivier Hermant
Professor of Computer Science
There are new 2022 internship and PhD offers, described here.
I am a professor at CRI, the computer science laboratory of Mines Paris and an close collaborator to the Deducteam Inria project-team. Within the formal method community, my theoretical research interests spread from proof theory to type theory and rewriting. On the practical side, I am involved in the development of Dedukti, a universal proof-checker that is able to check proofs from, and share proofs and libraries between, various proof assistants, together with its companion tools. I also have studied various automated theorem proving techniques (resolution, tableaux). You can learn more about my work (including some drafts) on my paper page or on my publication list on HAL .
I defended my habilitation in 2017. A draft version of the manuscript is available here (in French). The slides are now also available, as well as a long version of the slides.
The 2010-2015 Deducteam Seminar web page.
How to reach me: Office 1.06, Building P
Mines ParisTech
35 rue Saint-Honoré
77 305 Fontainebleau (France)
Tel: +33 (0)1 64 69 48 31
Fax: +33 (0)1 64 69 48 47
Mail: my
name, a
dot, my
surname, an
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2022 short resume: [pdf], [ps]