What is STIC-AmSud ?
The Regional Program STIC-AmSud is an initiative of the French cooperation and their counterparts from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, aimed to promote and strengthen the collaboration and to create networks of research and development in the field of Information and Communication Science and Technology (ICT), through joint projects. Its specific objectives are:
  • to develop the cooperation in the field of ICT, through the exchange of researchers and students among South American countries involved, as well as between them and France.
  • to support basic and applied research projects containing a dimension of potential transfer and technological innovation, with a regional component, between France and at least two South American partners.
  • to favor, in South America, synergies with other multilateral and regional programs in this area, particularly with the European Union.
  • to favor young researcher participation in order to ensure long-lasting cooperation networks.
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What is BioCloud-EEAmSud ?
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BioCloud-EEAmSud is a cooperation project integrated by Brazil, Chile and France following the 2012 STIC-AmSud call. Partners in Brazil are Universidade de Brasilia, Universidade Federal Fluminense, and EMBRAPA-Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (CENARGEN), through the support of the Coordination of Improvement of Senior Staff of the Ministry of Education in Brazil (CAPES). In Chile, the main partner is Universidad de Santiago de Chile, through the support of the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research of Chile (CONICYT). In France, the institutions involved are Mines ParisTech (CRI) and INRIA-Saclay, through the support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MAEE). The international project coordinator is Pr. Maria Emília Machado Telles Walter (UnB). See all cordinators.
Project goals
This International Cooperation Project involves three research areas: High Performance Computing, Data Storage/Retrieval and Bioinformatics applications. It will integrate the efforts of the INRIA-Saclay, Mines ParisTech, Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Embrapa-Cenargen and Universidad de Santiago de Chile in order to achieve the following goals:
  • Investigate which characteristics of Bioinformatics Applications have to be considered when choosing/proposing a Cloud infrastructure. Characteristics such as large-scale data management, workflow orchestration/integration and resource federation will be investigated.
  • Investigate and propose new Bioinformatics tools that are adapted to the Cloud environment.
  • Investigate and propose new Bioinformatics algorithms that deal with huge data sets, aiming to reduce execution time and/or the amount of memory needed, making them suitable for Cloud Computing environments.
  • Investigate which performance metrics must be taken into consideration when running applications on a Cloud environment.
  • Joint publications in Journals and Conferences in the areas of Computer Science and Bioinformatics.