... library[*]
For the list of these libraries, readers are referred to the author's thesis.
... operator[*]
This technique is described in the presentation of François IRIGOIN, September 2005 the 20th , which can be found at APRON's site [APRb].
... sc_feasibility_ofl_ctrl()[*]
The tests of satisfiability for a constraint system with overflow control.
... sc_projection_ofl_ctrl()[*]
It projects the constraint system along a dimension, with overflow control.
... sc_convex_hull()[*]
It computes the convex hull of two constraint systems.
... chernikova()[*]
POLYLIB's implementation of Chernikova's algorithm that computes the polyhedral dual conversion.
... analyses[*]
However, we did not study the output of PIPS in these two cases.
...throw_exception [*]
A C implementation whose concept is similar to Java's throw/catch mechanism.
... general[*]
We posted this solution on the POLYLIB's mailing list, and the response was negative.
... sc_convex_hull[*]
It computes the convex hull of two constraint systems.
... considered[*]
We do not consider the Ehrhart polynomials here [Cla96].
... polyhedron[*]
In 2-D, it is a polyhedron of at most eight edges.
... available[*]
$C^3$, New POLKA and PPL have dimension permutation operators but not POLYLIB. Thus, POLYLIB has this problem, too.
... no[*]
We can indeed return a polyhedron of dependences.
... semantic[*]
It simply verifies whether the given constraint system is the constant SC_EMPTY or not.
... polyhedra[*]
Which can be found in the package union of the $C^3$ library.
...fragma [*]
Fragmented issues which are not structured, concerning concrete implementations.
... [*]
For Presburger formulae, we also have the existential $\exists$ and universal $\forall$ quantifiers.
... add_dimension[*]
This operator adds a new dimension to the constraint system.
... remove_dimension[*]
This operator removes a dimension from the constraint system.
... sc_weak_consistent_p(Psysteme)[*]
These two operators verify whether the constraint system in question is valid or not, due to possible programming errors.
... representations[*]
The Chernikova algorithm performing the dual conversion is rational, not integer
... system[*]
The empty constraint has a semantic meaning, whereas the undefined constraint system is simply used as a programming trick. For example, the undefined constraint system can be used to indicate the case where an exception occurred.
... ph)[*]
These three functions verify whether the polyhedron is bounded or not.
... sc\_universe[*]
In $C^3$, the term $R^n$, the whole space, is used instead of the constant universe.
...dontknow [*]
The NOT_EMPTY term is chosen for unknown answer, so the approximation step is hidden inside the operator.
... library[*]
For example, we can print out the constraint system if an exception is raised.
... useful[*]
However, we do not have any result concerning this issue.
... is_disjoint_from[*]
Test whether the polyhedron is disjoint from another.
... operators[*]
Grouping and separating similar dimensions of the polyhedron.
... itself[*]
This occasionally happens in $C^3$ when out-of-memory space or overflow exceptions are raised.
... surjective[*]
For example, if we have five polyhedral algorithms and only two octagonal algorithms for the projection operator, then the enumeration is surjective (five to two) in the octagonal case.
... defined[*]
In fact, these functions can be considered as some generic operators like the minimization, normalization or canonization operators.
... release[*]
At the time of this writing, we have the $0.7$ release.
... show[*]
At the VMCAI 2005 and NSAD 2005 workshops.
... documented[*]
APRON's prototype does not supply this kind of documentation.