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This section comes late but of course it is nevertheless one of the most important to deal with long-term usage and software maintenance.

The documentation system heavily rely on GNU make, LaTeX and LaTeX2HTML since they are portable, widely spread and easily integrated in an automatic documentation process à la UNIX . LaTeX is very nice to have a high quality printed document and LaTeX2HTML to add navigation capabilities for browsing.

When the pipsmake-rc file is updated to add a new phase, some documentation should also be added to present what the phase is about. In this way, the user manual can automatically be derived with a description of every phase accessible from a menu.

Once the documentation exists, it can automatically be published on the Internet with the World Wide Web protocol and retrieved using the standard meta-indexers as AltaVista by an interesting world-wide side effect...

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vendredi, 20 décembre 1996, 16:25:47 MET