- Szumega, J., Bougueroua, L., Gkotse, B., Jouvelot, P., and Ravotti, F. Machine Learning and Data-Driven Tools for Automatic Evaluation of RADNEXT Experiments Proposals (Poster). G-RADNEXT, Genève, Oct.23
- Perera, L., and Jouvelot, P. Tala Box : Sociomatérialité d'un dispositif sonore pour patients Alzheimer. Journée ESILV eHealth & Ethics, Paris, Apr.23
- Gkotse, B., Abdulhalim, A., Mølholm, A.S., Ravotti, F., and Jouvelot, P. Upgrading the IRRAD ControlL System GUIs using Open-LicenseE and Cross-Platform Technologies, PCaPAC'22, Prague, Oct.22
- Gallego Arias, E. J., Jouvelot, P., Ribstein, S., Desblancs, D. The W-calculus:
A Synchronous Framework for the Verified Modelling of Digital Signal Processing Algorithms, FARM21, Aug.21
- Gkotse, B., Jaekel, M., Smith Moelholm, A., Maria Nunez Herrero, A., Pezzullo, G., Ravotti, F., Sidiropoulou, O., Mateu, I., Meskova, V., and Jouvelot, P. Upgrades for the CERN EP Irradiation Facilities (IRRAD, Gif++) and plans beyond the Long Shutdown 2, 9th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop, Lecce, Feb. 21
- Aubert, A., de Rosny, J., and Jouvelot, P. MIMO Telecommuncations with Near Ultrasounds (poster). 1ère JJCAP, Paris, Jun.19
- Gkotse, B., Jouvelot, P., Ravotti, F., Gorine, G., and Pezzullo, G. Software Upgrades of Beam and Irradiation Test Infrastructures in AIDA-2020. ESWC2019 EU Project Networking, Portoroz, Jun.19
- Brethoux, D., Bronuzzi, J., Gkotse, B., Glaser, M., Gorine, G., Jouvelot, P., Jaekel, M.R., Lazzaroni, M., Mateu, I., Matli, E., Pezzullo, G., Ravotti. The CERN Proton Irradiation Facility IRRAD during and after the CERN Long Shutdown 2. AIDA 2020 BTTB7 Workshop, Geneva, Jan.19
- Gkotse, B., Gorine, G., Jouvelot, P., Pezzullo, G., Mateu Suau, I., Ravotti, F. WP15.5 IRRAD Facility Infrastructure Upgrade & Irradiation Facilities Database (slides). AIDA-2020 Third Annual Meeting, Bologna, Apr.18
- Gkotse, B., Gorine, G., Jouvelot, P., Pezzullo, G., Mateu Suau, I., Ravotti, F. WP15.5–CERN Proton Facility Upgrade (slides). AIDA-2020 Satellite Meeting, Zurich, Jan.18
- Sguerra Massoni, B., Jouvelot, P., and Benveniste, S. Oblivion Tracking: Towards a ProbabilisticWorking Memory Model for the Adaptation of Systems to Alzheimer Patients. 25th User Modeling, Adaptation and Personnalization Conf. Adjunct, Bratislava, Jul.17
- Gallego Aria, E., Pin, B., and Jouvelot, P. jsCoq: Towards Hybrid Theorem Proving Interfaces. 12th International Workshop on User Interfaces for Theorem Provers, Coimbra, Jul. 16
- Jouvelot, P. Louise : ECA pour Alzheimer et troubles liés à l’age. Journées IMT “Santé, autonomie” (Poster), Paris, Mar.16
- Khaldi, D., Jouvelot, P., Irigoin, F., Ancourt, C., and Chapman, B. LLVM Parallel Intermediate Representation: Design and
Evaluation using OpenSHMEM Communications. Second Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC, Austin, Nov. 15
- Vibert, H.-J., Pin, B. and Jouvelot, P. Aligning legivoc Legal Vocabularies by Crowdsourcing. Language and Semantics Technology for Legal Domain (LST4LD) Workshop, 10th Recent Advances in Natural Processing Conference, Hissar, Sep.15
- Gallego Aria, E., and Jouvelot, P. Adventures in the (not so) Complex Space. 7th Coq Workshop, Antibes, Jun.15
- Wargnier, P., Malaisé, A., Jacquemot, J., Benveniste, S., Jouvelot, P., Pino, M., and Rigaud, A.-S. Towards Attention Monitoring of Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment During Interaction with an Embodied Conversational Agent. 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology, Arles, Mar.15
- Gallego Arias, E., Hermant, O., and Jouvelot,P. Verification of Faust Signal Processing Programs in Coq. First International Workshop on Coq for PL, Mumbai, Jan.15
- Khaldi, D., Shiyaho, G, Eachempati, D., Jouvelot, P., and Chapman, B. Team-based Design Methodology for Memory Hierarchy-Aware Runtime Support in Coarray Fortran. 18th Int. Work. on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC 2015), London, Jan.15
- Frotier de la Messeliére, I., Jouvelot, P., and Talpin, J.-P. Constraint-Solving Approach to Faust Program Type Checking. Constraint Programming Meets Verification 2014 Workhsop, Lyon, Sep.14
- de Vogeleer, K., Memmi, G., Jouvelot, P., and Coelho.F The Energy/Frequency Convexity Rule: Modeling and Experimental Validation on Mobile Devices, Workshop on Power and Energy Aspects of Computation, Int. Work. PEAC-PPAM2013, Warsaw, Sep.13
- Khaldi, D., Jouvelot, P., Ancourt, C., and Irigoin, F. SPIRE: A Sequential to Parallel Intermediate Representtion Extension.
17th Int. Work. on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC 2013), Lyon, Jul.13
- Khaldi, D., Jouvelot, P., Ancourt, C., and Irigoin, F. SPIRE: A Sequential to Parallel Intermediate Representation Extension. 6ème Rencontres de la communauté francaise de compilation, Annecy, Apr. 13
- Khaldi, D., Jouvelot, P., Ancourt, C., and Irigoin, F. Task Parallelism and Distribution: An Overview of Explicit Parallel Programming Languages. 25th Int. Work. on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC), Tokyo, Aug.12. In Springer Verlag, LNCS, vol. 7760, Apr.13
- Khaldi, D., Jouvelot, P., Ancourt, C., and Irigoin, F. xDSC: A Resource-Constrained Scheduling Algorithm for Shared and
Distributed Memory Systems. 5ème Rencontres de la communauté francaise de compilation, Rennes, Jun.12
- Khaldi, D., Jouvelot, P., Ancourt, C., and Irigoin, F. Task Parallelism and Synchronization: An Overviw of Explicit Parallel Programming Languages. 4ème Rencontres de la communauté francaise de compilation, St-Hippolyte, Dec.11
- Barkati, K., and Jouvelot, P. Synchronous Programming in Audio Processing: A Use Case Study, Int. Work. on Synchronous Programming, Melun, Nov.11
- Benveniste, S., Jouvelot, P., Pin, B., Michel, R., and Lecourt,
E. MAWii: Active Music Therapy for ADHD Children (Poster),
Colloque STIC et santé, Esigetel, Apr.11
- Benveniste, S., Jouvelot, P., Pin, B., Pequignot, R., Boulay,
M., Boefsplug, S., and Rigaud, A.-S. MINWii: A Music Game for
Demented Patients (Poster),
Colloque STIC et santé, Esigetel, Apr.11
- Amini, M., Ancourt, C., Coelho, F., Creusillet, B., Guelton, S.,
Irigoin, F., Jouvelot, P., Keryell, R., and Villalon, P. PIPS
Is not (just) Polyhedral Software: Adding GPU Code Generation in
PIPS, Int. Work. on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques, Chamonix, Apr.11
- Coelho, F., Jouvelot, P., Ancourt, C., and Irigoin, F. Data
and Process Abstraction in PIPS Internal Representation,
Int. Work. on Internal Representation, Chamonix, Apr.11
- Pop, S., Jouvelot, P., and Silber, G-A. In and Out of SSA: A Denotational Specification, Static Single-Assignment Form Seminar, Autrans, Apr.09
- Pop, S., Cohen, A., Jouvelot, P., and Silber, G-A. The New Framework
for Loop Nest Optimization in GCC: from Prototyping to Evaluation,
Int. Work. on Compilers for Parallel Computers, La Corogne, Jan.06
- Ancourt, C., Coelho, F., Creusillet, B., Irigoin, I., Jouvelot, P., and
Keryell, R. PIPS: A Workbench for Program
Parallelization and Optimization (Poster), European
Parallel Tool Meeting, ONERA, Oct.96
- Nielson, F., Cousot, P., Dam, M.F., Degano, P., Jouvelot, P.,
Mycroft, A., and Thomsen, B. Logical and Operational
Methods in the Analysis of Programs and Systems. LOMAPS
Workshop, Mads Dam (Ed.), Springer, LNCS 1192, Jun.96
- Tang, Y-M., and Jouvelot, P. Control-Flow Effects for
Escape Analysis, Workshop on Static Analysis, Bordeaux, Oct.92
- Talpin, J. P., and Jouvelot, P. Polymorphic Type, Region
and Effect Inference, Workshop on Static Analysis of Equat., Funct.,
and Logic Programs, Bordeaux, Oct.91
- Dornic, V., and Jouvelot, P. Polymorphic Time Systems for
Estimating Program Complexity, Workshop on Static Analysis of Equat.,
Funct., and Logic Programs, Bordeaux, Oct.91
- Talpin, J. P., and Jouvelot, P. Type, Effect and Region
Reconstruction and its Applications, Inter. Workshop on Compilers
for Parallel Computers, Paris, Dec.90
- Irigoin, F., Jouvelot, P., and Triolet, R. Overview of the
PIPS Project, Inter. Workshop on Compilers for Parallel
Computers, Paris, Dec.90
- Jouvelot, P. Pragmatics in Parallel Functional
Programming, 2-èmes Journées FIRTECH, Paris, Nov.88
- Jouvelot, P., and Gifford, D. K. Parallel Functional
Programming: The FX Project, Inter. Workshop on Parallel and
Distributed Algorithms, Bonas, Oct.88, published by North-Holland