- Machine learning for the anomaly detection and characterization of the 24 GeV/c proton beam at CERN IRRAD Facility. IPAC'25, Taipei, 2025.
- Characterization of an IRRAD beam profile monitor at the CERN T8 beamline and possible improvements via cross-analysis with multiwire proportional chamber. IPAC'25, Tapie, 2025.
- Szumega, J., Bougueroua, L., Gkotse, B., Jouvelot, P., Ravotti, F. The Open Review–Based (ORB) dataset: Towards Automatic Assessment of Scientific Papers, ACL 2025 (submitted)
- Kameswar Rao, V., Brander, F., Memmi, G., Jouvelot, P., Experimental Assessment and Biaffine Modeling of the Impact of Ambient Temperature on SoC Power Requirements. SAMOS 2024, Jun.24
- Sanchez-Giron Coca, C., Perera, L., Boiteau, M., Costanza, A., Grison, J., Sarnette, E., Kanhonou, M., Fauberteau, F., Nguyen, N., and Jouvelot, P. Tala Box: an Interactive Embedded System to Accompany Patients with Cognitive Loss. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE 2023), Orlando, Jun.23
- Jouvelot, P., and Gallego Arias, E. A Foundational Framework for the Specification and Verification of Mechanism Design (poster). ACM EC 2022, Jun.22
- Le Conte des Floris, R., Jouvelot, P., and Dalmasso, C. The impact of motivation on the quality of project management data: an email-based communication case study. EURAM 2022, Jun.22
- Massoni Sguerra, L, Jouvelot, P., Gallego Arias, E., Memmi, G., and Coelho, F. Blockchain Performance Benchmarking: a VCG Auction Smart Contract Use Case for Ethereum and Tezos (Short Paper). FAB 2021, Davis, May.21
- Perera, L., and Jouvelot, P. Esprits critiques : application au projet Tala Sound (poster). Printemps de la recherche en éducation 2021, May.21
- Perera, L., and Jouvelot, P. Tala Sound (poster). The Neurosciences and Music VII, Fondazione Mariani, Aarhus, Jun.20
- Aubertin, A., de Rosny, J., and Jouvelot, P. Time-Reversal Mirroring for Near-Ultrasonic Indoor Communication. Forum Acusticum, Lyon, May.20
- Gkotse, B., Jouvelot, P., and Ravotti, F. Automatic Web Application Generation from an Irradiation Experiment Data Management Ontology (IEDM). 17th ICALEPCS, Brookhaven, Oct.19
- Gkotse, B., Jouvelot, P., Pezzullo, G., and Ravotti, F. The IRRAD Data Manager (IDM). 17th ICALEPCS, Brookhaven, Oct.19
- Ravotti, F., Gkotse, B., Glaser, M., Mateu, I., Meskova, V., Pezzullo, G., Jouvelot, P., and Sallese, J.-M. The IRRAD Proton Irradiation Facility Control, Data Management and Beam Diagnostic systems: an outlook of the major upgrades beyond the LHC Long Shutdown 2.17th ICALEPCS, Brookhaven, Oct.19
- Goktse, B., Jouvelot, P., and Ravotti, F. IEDM, an Ontology for Irradiation Experiment Data Management. ESWC19 Satellite Events, LNCS, Springer, Jun.19
- Sguerra, B., and Jouvelot, P. “An Unscented Hound for Working Memory” and the Cognitive Adaptation of User Interfaces. ACM UMAP, Larnaca, Jun. 19
- Perera, L, and Jouvelot, P. Vers une nouvelle approche méthodologique de recherche intersciplinaire par le design : le projet Tala Sound, une étude de cas en design social. 8éme colloque Santé, Marseille, May.19
- Sguerra, B., Benamara, A., Benveniste, S., Jouvelot, P. Adaptive Human-Computer Interfaces to Working Memory Limitations Using MATCHS. IEEE SMC'18, Miyazaki, Oct. 18
- Gkotse, B., Glaser, M., Matli, E., Pezzullo, G., Ravotti1, F., Jouvelot, P. Towards a Unified Environmental Monitoring, Control and Data Management System for Irradiation Facilities: the CERN IRRAD Use Case. 2017 Radesc Conference, Geneva, Oct. 17
- Rao Vaddina, K., Brandner, F., Memmi, G., and Jouvelot, P. Experimental Energy Profiling of Energy-Critical Embedded Applications. 25th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2017), Split, Sep.17
- Grumiaux, P.-A., Michon, R., Gallego Arias, H., and Jouvelot, P. Impulse-Response- and CAD-Model-Based Physical Modeling in Faust. Linux Audio Conference, St-Etienne, May.17
- Wargnier, P., Fauquet P.-E., Benveniste, S., Jouvelot, P., Rigaud, A.-S., Kemouns, G., and Bloch, F. Rehabilitation of the psychomotor consequences of elderly fallers: a pilot study to evaluate feasibility and tolerability of virtual reality training using a user-centered designed serious game. 10th World Conf. on Gerontechnology, Nice, Sep.16
- Orlarey, Y., and Jouvelot, P. Signal Rate Inference for Multi-dimensional Faust. 28th Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, Leuven, Aug.16
- P. Wargnier , G. Carletti, Y. Laurent-Corniquet, S. Benveniste, P. Jouvelot and A.-S. Rigaud. Field Evaluation with Cognitively-Impaired Older Adults of Attention Management in the Embodied Conversational Agent Louise. IEEE 4th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, Orlando, May.16
- Talpin, J.-O., Jouvelot, P., and Kumar Shukla, S. Towards Refinement Types for Time-Dependent Data-Flow Networks. ACM/IEEE MEMOCODE Conference, Austin, Sep.15 (also INRIA Report 8747)
- Khaldi,D., Ge, S., Eachempati, D., Jouvelot,P., and Barbara Chapman. A Team-based Design Methodology for Memory Hierarchy-Aware Runtime Support in Coarray Fortran. Int. IEEE Cluster Conference, Chicago, Sep.15
- Gallego Arias, E., Hermant, O., and Jouvelot P. A Taste of Sound Reasoning in Faust. Linux Audio Conference, Mainz, Apr.15
- de Vogeleer, K., Memmi, G., Jouvelot, P., and Coelho.F Modeling the Temperature Bias of Power Consumption for Nanometer-Scale CPUs in Application Processors. International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation, Samos Island, Jul.14
- Barkati, K., Wang, H., and Jouvelot, P. Faustine: a Vector Faust Interpreter Test Bed for Multimedia Signal Processing. FLOPS'14. Kanazawa, Jun.14
- Lopes, P., Benveniste, S., Pino, M., Stefanucci, C., Pisica-Donose, G., Jouvelot, P., Reingewirtz, S., and Rigault, A.-S. Evaluation en EHPAD de MINDs, un jeu vidéoo musical développé pour et avec des personnes souffrant de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Congrès national Alzheimer 2013, Paris, Dec.13
- Vibert, H.-J., Jouvelot, P., and Pin, B. Legivoc - connecting law in a changing world. LVI'2013, Jersey, Sep.13
- Benveniste, S., Jouvelot, P., and Péquignot, R. The MINWii Project: Renarcissization of Patients Suffering from
Alzheimer's Disease Through Video Game-Based Music
Therapy. ICEC'10, Seoul, Sep.10
- Jouvelot, P., and Orlarey, Y. Dependent Types for Multirate
Faust. SMC'10, Barcelone, Aug.10
- Benveniste, S., Jouvelot, P., Lecourt, E., and Michel, R. Designing Wiimprovisation for Mediation in Group Music Therapy with
Children Suffering from Behavioral Disorders. ACM SIGCHI IDC'09,
Como, Jun.09
- Benveniste,S., Jouvelot,P., and Michel, R. Wii Game Technology
for Music Therapy: A First Experiment with Children Suffering from
Behavioral Disorders. IADIS MCCSIS'08 Int. Conf. Gaming 2008,
Amsterdam, Jul.08
- Benveniste,S., and Jouvelot.,P. MAWii : Musicothérapie active avec
la Wii. 19ème Conférence francophone sur l'Interaction
homme-machine, Paris, Oct.07
- Denis, G., and Jouvelot, P. Motivation-Driven Educational Game
Design: Applying Best Practices to Music Education, ACM SIGCHI
Advances in Computer Education Conference, Valencia, Jun.05
- Denis, G., and Jouvelot, P. Building the Case for Video
Games in Music Education, 2nd International Workshop on Game
Design and Technology, Liverpool, Nov.04
- Jouvelot, P., with Bonet, N. Music Composer's Workbench:
vers un
environnement intelligent de l'enseignement de la composition
tonale. (Music Composer's Workbench: towards an intelligent
environment of tonal composition teaching). Journées d'Informatique
Musicale, Lalonde-les-Maures, May.98.
- Tang, Y-M., and Jouvelot, P. Effect Systems with
Subtyping. ACM PEPM, La Jolla, Jun.95
- Tang, Y-M., and Jouvelot, P. Separate Abstract
Interpretation for Control-Flow Analysis. TACS'94, Sendai (Japon),
LNCS 789, Springer Verlag, Apr.94
- Talpin, J-P., and Jouvelot, P. Compiling FX for the CM-2.
3rd International Workshop on Static Analysis, LNCS 724, Springer
Verlag, Padoue, Sep.93
- Dehbonei, B., and Jouvelot, P. Semantical Interprocedural
Analysis by Partial Symbolic Evaluation. ACM PEPM Conference, San
Francisco, Jun.92
- Talpin, J. P., and Jouvelot, P. The Type and Effect
Discipline. IEEE Logic In Computer Science Conference, Santa Cruz,
- Gifford, D. K., Jouvelot, P., Sheldon, M., and O'Toole, J, Jr.
Semantic File Systems, ACM SOSP, Pacific Grove, Oct.91
- Irigoin, F., Jouvelot, P., and Triolet, R. Semantical
Interprocedural Parallelization: An Overview of the PIPS Project, ACM
Int. Conf. on Supercomputing, Cologne, Jun.91
- Jouvelot, P., and Gifford, D. K. Algebraic Reconstruction
of Types and Effects, ACM POPL, Orlando, Jan.91
- Jouvelot, P., and Dehbonei, B. A Unified Semantic Approach
for the Vectorization and Parallelization of Generalized Reductions,
1989 ACM SIGARCH Int. Conf. on Supercomputing, Crete, Jun.89
- Jouvelot, P., and Gifford, D. K. Reasoning about
Continuations with Control Effects, ACM SIGPLAN Int. Conf. PLDI'89,
Portland, Jun.89
- Jouvelot, P., and Gifford, D. K. The FX-87 Interpreter,
1988 IEEE International Conference on Computer Languages, Miami Beach,
- Jouvelot, P. Semantic Parallelization: A Non-Standard
Denotational Approach for Imperative Sequential Programs
Parallelization, ACM Computer Science Conference, St-Louis, Feb.87
- Jouvelot, P. Semantic Parallelization: A Practical Exercise
in Abstract Interpretation, ACM POPL, Munich, Jan.87
- Jouvelot, P. Parallelization using Semantic Detection of
Reductions, ESOP86, Springer Verlag LNCS 213, Sarrebruck, Mar.86
- Jouvelot, P. ML: Un Langage de Maquettage ? (ML: A
Prototyping Language?), AFCET Workshop on New Languages for Software
Engineering, Evry, Oct.85
- Jouvelot, P., and Leconte des Floris, D. A Multi-Level
Inference Engine, COGNITIVA85, CESTA, Paris, Jun.85